Die Idee dabei ist, jeden Mittwoch ein Buch vorzustellen, das demnächst erscheinen wird und das man unbedingt lesen möchte.
Heute möchte ich euch folgendes Buch vorstellen:
Darum geht´s:
Most girls would kill to spend months traveling around Europe after college graduation with no responsibility, no parents, and no limit credit cards. Kelsey Summers is no exception. She's having the time of her life. For a little while anyway. When she parties too hard one night, and ends up puking all over the hottest guy she's ever seen, she begins to realize that having no direction in life isn't all it's cracked up to be. Instead of choosing her next destination based on the best clubs, she sets out alone on a journey to figure out who she is and what she wants. She knows it will be lonely and filled with less alcohol and more soul searching. What she doesn't plan on is running into that hot guy again, this time without her vomit on his shoes. From city to city, she is trying to find herself, but instead keeps finding him.
26. September 2013
Ich liebe die Bücher von Cora Carmack und nachdem ich "Losing It" und "Faking It" verschlungen habe, freue ich mich wahnsinnig auf diesen Teil :)
Wenn ihr die Bücher also noch nicht kennt, dann rate ich euch: Liest sie!!! :)
Quelle: Amazon
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